Applications Android 应用

Bible: 7 in 1 150.0
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tàbiblía, "the books"[1] ) is a collection of texts sacred in Judaismand Christianity. It is a collection of scriptures written atdifferent times by different authors in different locations. Jewsand Christians consider the books of the Bible to be a product ofdivine inspiration or an authoritative record of the relationshipbetween God and humans.The canonical Bible varies depending on traditions or groups; anumber of Bible canons have evolved, with overlapping and divergingcontents.[2] The Christian Old Testament overlaps with the HebrewBible and the Greek Septuagint; the Hebrew Bible is known inJudaism as the Tanakh. The New Testament is a collection ofwritings by early Christians, believed to be Jewish disciples ofChrist, written in first-century Koine Greek. These early ChristianGreek writings consist of narratives, letters, and apocalypticwritings. Among Christian denominations there is some disagreementabout the contents of the canon, primarily in the Apocrypha, a listof works that are regarded with varying levels of respect.
Portuguese-English: Dictionary 150.0
This is the best language dictionary availablefor Android.It is a free service and does not need to use the internet (ie,completely offline).We have worked constatemente increasingly implemented improvementsto our facility, making us one of the leading services in idiomatictranslation.Download now and check out this excellent application.
Romanian-English: Dictionary 53.0
Romanian-English: Dictionary offlineThis is the best language dictionary available forAndroid.It is a free service and does not need to use the internet(ie,completely offline).We have worked constatemente increasingly implementedimprovementsto our facility, making us one of the leading servicesin idiomatictranslation.Download now and check out this excellent application.
Polish-English: Dictionary 53.0
This is the best language dictionaryavailablefor Android.It is a free service and does not need to use the internet(ie,completely offline).We have worked constatemente increasingly implementedimprovementsto our facility, making us one of the leading servicesin idiomatictranslation.Download now and check out this excellent application.
Arabic - Dreams Meaning 56.0
Symbols are the language of dreams. Asymbolcan invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much moreprofoundand deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At thesame time,these symbols can leave you confused and wondering whatthat dreamwas all about.Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerfultool.In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deepsecrets andhidden feelings. Remember that no one is a better expertatinterpreting your dreams than yourself.
Russian-English: Dictionary 53.0
This is the best language dictionaryavailablefor Android.It is a free service and does not need to use the internet(ie,completely offline).We have worked constatemente increasingly implementedimprovementsto our facility, making us one of the leading servicesin idiomatictranslation.Download now and check out this excellent application.
German-English: Dictionary 53.0
This is the best language dictionaryavailablefor Android.It is a free service and does not need to use the internet(ie,completely offline).We have worked constatemente increasingly implementedimprovementsto our facility, making us one of the leading servicesin idiomatictranslation.Download now and check out this excellent application.
Afrikaans-English: Dictionary 53.0
offlineThis is the best language dictionary available for Android.It is a free service and does not need to use the internet(ie,completely offline).We have worked constatemente increasingly implementedimprovementsto our facility, making us one of the leading servicesin idiomatictranslation.Download now and check out this excellent application.
Zulu Afrikaans Swahili Tswana 150.0
This is the best language dictionaryavailablefor Android.It is a free service and does not need to use the internet(ie,completely offline).We have worked constatemente increasingly implementedimprovementsto our facility, making us one of the leading servicesin idiomatictranslation.Download now and check out this excellent application.
Swahili-English: Dictionary 150.0
This is the best language dictionaryavailablefor Android.It is a free service and does not need to use the internet(ie,completely offline).We have worked constatemente increasingly implementedimprovementsto our facility, making us one of the leading servicesin idiomatictranslation.Download now and check out this excellent application.
Zokuhlela Umndeni 170.0
Kubalulekile ukuthi umuntu wesifazaneabenolwazi mayelana nokuhlelwa komndeni ukuze azenzeleizinqumozokuthi ufuna ukukhulelwa nini, nokuthi uthanda ukutholaabantwanaabangaki. Lokhu kubizwa ngokuthi ukuhlelwa komndeni,kunezindlelaezihlukene zokuhlela umndeni.Kungumsebenzi wowesilisa kanye nowesifazane bebambisene.Ngakho-kekubalulekile ukuthi babenolwazingalezindlela zokuhlela ukuze bakwazi ukuzikhethelaindlelaabazoyisebenzisa.Kusiza ngani ukuhlela umndeniIt is important thatawoman with information about family planning in order tomakedecisions that you want to become pregnant, and that he wouldliketo have children. This is called family planning, therearedifferent family planning.It is the responsibility of male and female together. Thereforeitis important that we had theplanning ways to be able to choose how loud.The value of family planning
Bible Zulu and KJV English 150.0
In this application you will find the BibleinZulu & English, and the well-known and acclaimed KingJamesVersion in English. Once installed, no internet is required.Justinstall and use. You will have the Word of the Lord withinreach,wherever you are. With clear and modern language, Spread theWordof Our Lord.
Usawoti nempilo yakho 170.0
Ingabe usawoti omningi awungilungele?Usawoti omngakanani omningi kakhulu?Ngiwuthola kuphi usawoti? Iyini i-sodium?Ngikukhetha kanjani ukudla okunosawoti omncane?Ngiwufaka kanjani usawoti omncane ekudleni?Is too muchsaltready?Omngakanani too much salt?Where can the salt? What is sodium?Select how little salty foods?Add less salt at the table?
Nonwabe Emtshatweni 170.0
Ukuze umtshato uhlale uhleli,isibiniesitshatileyo simele sibe nembono efanelekileyongokuzibophelela.Kwiincwadi nakwimifanekiso eshukumayo, umtshatoudla ngokubanesiphelo esihle esinqwenelwayo ngabantu. Kodwa, kubomibokwenene,umtshato awusosiphelo; usisiqalo—isiqalo sento uYehovaayiyileleukuba ihlale ihleli. (Genesis 2:24) Okulusizi kukuba,abantuabaninzi kwihlabathi lanamhlanje ababoni njalo. Kwezinyeiindawo,abantu bachaza umtshato njengokuzibophelela ngeqhina.Basenokubaabayiqondi kakuhle indlela lo mzekeliso oyichaza ngayoimbonoyabantu abaninzi ngomtshato. Njani? Ngoxa iqhina elibotshwekakuhlelifanele liyiqinise into ixesha elide kangangoko kufuneka,enyeinto ngeqhina kukuba linokuqhinwa lula lize likhululwelula.Abaninzi namhlanje bawujonga umtshato njengentoyexeshana.Bayawungxamela kuba becinga ukuba uza kwanelisa iimfunozabo, kodwake bekwalindele nokuwubaleka xa kuvela iingxaki. Nokoke, khumbulaukuba umzekeliso osetyenziswa yiBhayibhile wona uthiumtshato ufananentambo. Iintambo ezisetyenziswa kwiinqanawa zenziwangohlobolokuba zihlale zihleli, zingaze zicazululeke, kwanaxakukhouqhwithela olunamandla. Ngendlela efanayo, umtshato wenzelweukubauhlale uhleli. Khumbula amazwi kaYesu athi: “OkouThixoakubophelele ngedyokhwe ndawonye makungahlukaniswa mntu.”(Mateyu19:6) Ukuba uyatshata, ufanele ube nembono efanayongomtshato.Ngaba loo nto iwenza ube luxanduva umtshato?Nakanye.To umtshato staysitting,twenty esitshatileyo represents a view of the bestcommitment.Kwiincwadi nakwimifanekiso gesticulating, umtshato goodeats forthe conclusion of esinqwenelwayo people. But, Bomibokwenene,umtshato awusosiphelo; beginning-the start of somethingYahwehordered to remain intact. (Genesis 2:24) more useful it is,peopleare not kwihlabathi Today do so. In some areas, peopledescribeumtshato njengokuzibophelela ngeqhina. Basenokubaunderstand wellhow this parable describes consult ngomtshato water.How? Ngoxabraid prisoners well should bolster a long timekangangoko isrequired, it is one thing ngeqhina approvallinokuqhinwa easy untilthe release easier.Water today Jong umtshato as yexeshana. Bayawungxamela issearchingto come to satisfying their requirements, butbekwalindelenokuwubaleka xa from iingxaki. However, remember thatin theparable of the use wis umtshato like cord. Ropes usedkwiinqanawaare made in the form of recline their stay, they mayzicazululeke,kwanaxa uqhwithela strong. In the same way, umtshatois designed tostay seated. Remember the words of kaYesu said: "ThenGodngedyokhwe together let's commitment over." (Mateyu 19:6)leavened,, you have to view the same ngomtshato. I had thethunderthing making luxanduva umtshato? Once.
Ngomdlavuza 170.0
• Ukuxoxisana ngemibandela engabangelaisifosomdlavuza• Bakhombise ukuthi wenza kanjani uma ukuzihlolela isifosomdlavuzafuthi bachaze ngokubaluleka kokusheshe ubanjweumdlavuza• Baxoxisa nengezici eziyingcuphe zomdlavuzawomlomowesibeletho• Baxoxisane ngezimbangela zomdlavuza womlomo wesibeletho• Bakwazi ukubona izimpawu nezinkomba zomdlavuzawomlomowesibeletho• Bachaze ukuthi yini ukuthathwa koketshezi lokuhlolelwaumdlavuzawomlomo wesibeletho (i-Pap smear)nokuthi owesifazane angaluthola kanjani lolusizo• Baxoxe ngomdlavuza wendlala yenzalo yowesilisakanyenowamasende• Bakhombise ulwazi mayelana nezimpawu nezinkombazomdlavuzawendlala yenzalo yowesilisa kanye nowamasende• Bachaze ngokuzihlolela umdlavuza wamasende kanyenokubalulekakokushesha ukuwubamba Okuqukethwe Yilesi Sifundo• Umdlavuza webele• Ukuzihlolela umdlavuza webele• Umdlavuza wesibeletho• Umdlavuza wendlala yenzalo yowesilisa• Umdlavuza wamasende• Ukuzihlolela umdlavuza wamasende• Negotiatingtheconditions that can lead to cancer• Show them how you inspect cancer and explain the importanceofsearching the cancer was caught• engage nengezici surrounding cervical cancer• Negotiate the causes of cervical cancer• Be able to identify the signs and symptoms ofcancercervical• Explain why the intake of fluid lokuhlolelwa cervical cancer(Papsmear)And the woman how to get these services• discuss prostate cancer male offspring and nowamasende• Show information about the signs and symptoms of prostatecancerseed of a male and nowamasende• explained by examining testicular cancer and the importanceofsearching the holder The content of this lesson• Breast cancer• Self breast cancer• Cervical cancer• Prostate cancer seed of a male• testicular cancer• Self testicular cancer